NAEB Text Search

Note: This Boolean text search is experimental and only Boolean operators "AND" and "OR" are supported. Additionally, only the first Boolean operator in the query is used - any additional operators are treated as part of the text query.

2 uses matching query. Search results limited to 1,000 records.
Amoreuxia palmatifida Moc. & Sess‚ ex DC.
Mexican Yellowshow
Pima, Desert Other, Cash Crop
Roots used for trade.
Rea, Amadeo M., 1991, Gila River Pima Dietary Reconstruction, Arid Lands Newsletter 31:3-10, page 6
Amoreuxia palmatifida Moc. & Sess‚ ex DC.
Mexican Yellowshow
Pima, Gila River Food, Unspecified
Roots used for food.
Rea, Amadeo M., 1991, Gila River Pima Dietary Reconstruction, Arid Lands Newsletter 31:3-10, page 7