NAEB Text Search

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2 uses matching query. Search results limited to 1,000 records.
Cladrastis kentukea (Dum.-Cours.) Rudd
Kentucky Yellowwood
Cherokee Fiber, Building Material
Wood used for lumber.
Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 62
Cladrastis kentukea (Dum.-Cours.) Rudd
Kentucky Yellowwood
Cherokee Other, Decorations
Wood used for carving.
Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 62