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5 uses matching query. Search results limited to 1,000 records.
Sisyrinchium bellum S. Wats.
Western Blueeyed Grass
Costanoan Drug, Febrifuge
Decoction of plant taken for chills.
Bocek, Barbara R., 1984, Ethnobotany of Costanoan Indians, California, Based on Collections by John P. Harrington, Economic Botany 38(2):240-255, page 29
Sisyrinchium bellum S. Wats.
Western Blueeyed Grass
Costanoan Drug, Gastrointestinal Aid
Decoction of plant taken for stomachaches.
Bocek, Barbara R., 1984, Ethnobotany of Costanoan Indians, California, Based on Collections by John P. Harrington, Economic Botany 38(2):240-255, page 29
Sisyrinchium bellum S. Wats.
Western Blueeyed Grass
Luiseno Drug, Cathartic
Roots used as a purgative.
Sparkman, Philip S., 1908, The Culture of the Luiseno Indians, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 8(4):187-234, page 233
Sisyrinchium bellum S. Wats.
Western Blueeyed Grass
Pomo, Kashaya Drug, Gastrointestinal Aid
Infusion of washed roots taken for upset stomach, heartburn and ulcers.
Goodrich, Jennie and Claudia Lawson, 1980, Kashaya Pomo Plants, Los Angeles. American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles, page 24
Sisyrinchium bellum S. Wats.
Western Blueeyed Grass
Pomo, Kashaya Drug, Respiratory Aid
Infusion of washed roots taken for asthma.
Goodrich, Jennie and Claudia Lawson, 1980, Kashaya Pomo Plants, Los Angeles. American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles, page 24