Ranunculaceae Ranunculus pallasii Schlecht.
Pallas' Buttercup
Eskimo, Alaska - Food, Unspecified
Use documented by:
Ager, Thomas A. and Lynn Price Ager, 1980, Ethnobotany of The Eskimos of Nelson Island, Alaska, Arctic Anthropology 27:26-48, page 35
View all documented uses for
Ranunculus pallasii Schlecht.
Scientific name: Ranunculus pallasii Schlecht.
USDA symbol: RAPA2 (
View details at USDA PLANTS site)
Common names: Pallas' Buttercup
Family: Ranunculaceae
Family (APG): Ranunculaceae
Native American Tribe: Eskimo, Alaska
Use category: Food
Use sub-category: Unspecified
Notes: Shoots and stems boiled until tender and eaten with seal oil.
RECRD: 32787 id: 32698