Trichostema lanceolatum Benth. Vinegarweed USDA TRLA4 |
Miwok Drug, Urinary Aid Decoction of leaves and flowers taken for stricture of the bladder. Barrett, S. A. and E. W. Gifford, 1933, Miwok Material Culture, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 2(4):11, page 173 |
Triosteum perfoliatum L. Feverwort USDA TRPE5 |
Iroquois Drug, Urinary Aid Compound decoction of roots taken for urinating pain. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 445 |
Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. Eastern Hemlock USDA TSCA |
Micmac Drug, Urinary Aid Roots and stems used for 'cold in bladder.' Chandler, R. Frank, Lois Freeman and Shirley N. Hooper, 1979, Herbal Remedies of the Maritime Indians, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1:49-68, page 62 |
Typha angustifolia L. Narrowleaf Cattail USDA TYAN |
Micmac Drug, Urinary Aid Roots used for gravel. Chandler, R. Frank, Lois Freeman and Shirley N. Hooper, 1979, Herbal Remedies of the Maritime Indians, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1:49-68, page 63 |
Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis (Ait.) Seland. California Nettle USDA URDIG |
Gitksan Drug, Urinary Aid Decoction of plant taken for bladder trouble and many illnesses. Smith, Harlan I., 1929, Materia Medica of the Bella Coola and Neighboring Tribes of British Columbia, National Museum of Canada Bulletin 56:47-68, page 55 |
Verbena hastata L. Swamp Verbena USDA VEHAH |
Menominee Drug, Urinary Aid Infusion of root taken to 'clear up cloudy urine.' Smith, Huron H., 1923, Ethnobotany of the Menomini Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 4:1-174, page 58 |
Verbesina virginica L. White Crownbeard USDA VEVIV |
Seminole Drug, Urinary Aid Infusion of leaf taken for bear sickness: fever, headache, thirst, constipation & blocked urination. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 198 |
Viburnum acerifolium L. Mapleleaf Viburnum USDA VIAC |
Iroquois Drug, Urinary Aid Infusion of plants taken by men for stricture and painful urination. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 447 |
Viburnum lentago L. Nannyberry USDA VILE |
Chippewa Drug, Urinary Aid Infusion of leaves taken or poultice of leaves applied for dysuria. Gilmore, Melvin R., 1933, Some Chippewa Uses of Plants, Ann Arbor. University of Michigan Press, page 142 |
Vitis aestivalis Michx. Summer Grape USDA VIAEA2 |
Cherokee Drug, Urinary Aid Compound taken for 'irregular urination.' Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 37 |
Vitis aestivalis Michx. Summer Grape USDA VIAEA2 |
Cherokee Drug, Urinary Aid Infusion of bark taken for urinary troubles. Taylor, Linda Averill, 1940, Plants Used As Curatives by Certain Southeastern Tribes, Cambridge, MA. Botanical Museum of Harvard University, page 41 |
Vitis labrusca L. Fox Grape USDA VILA8 |
Cherokee Drug, Urinary Aid Compound taken for 'irregular urination.' Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 37 |
Vitis labrusca L. Fox Grape USDA VILA8 |
Cherokee Drug, Urinary Aid Infusion of bark taken for urinary troubles. Taylor, Linda Averill, 1940, Plants Used As Curatives by Certain Southeastern Tribes, Cambridge, MA. Botanical Museum of Harvard University, page 41 |
Vitis vulpina L. Frost Grape USDA VIVU |
Cherokee Drug, Urinary Aid Compound taken for 'irregular urination.' Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 37 |
Vitis vulpina L. Frost Grape USDA VIVU |
Iroquois Drug, Urinary Aid Decoction of plant taken for burning urination. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 383 |
Vitis vulpina L. Frost Grape USDA VIVU |
Iroquois Drug, Urinary Aid Infusion of plant given to children with urinating troubles. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 383 |
Xanthium sp. Cocklebur |
Jemez Drug, Urinary Aid Decoction of plant taken for urinary disorders. Cook, Sarah Louise, 1930, The Ethnobotany of Jemez Indians., University of New Mexico, M.A. Thesis, page 28 |
Xanthium strumarium L. Rough Cockleburr USDA XASTS |
Costanoan Drug, Urinary Aid Decoction of seeds used for bladder ailments. Bocek, Barbara R., 1984, Ethnobotany of Costanoan Indians, California, Based on Collections by John P. Harrington, Economic Botany 38(2):240-255, page 28 |
Xanthium strumarium var. canadense (P. Mill.) Torr. & Gray Canada Cockleburr USDA XASTC |
Tewa Drug, Pediatric Aid Plant used as fumigant for children with urinary disorders. Robbins, W.W., J.P. Harrington and B. Freire-Marreco, 1916, Ethnobotany of the Tewa Indians, SI-BAE Bulletin #55, page 49 |
Xanthium strumarium var. canadense (P. Mill.) Torr. & Gray Canada Cockleburr USDA XASTC |
Tewa Drug, Urinary Aid Plant used as fumigant for children with urinary disorders. Robbins, W.W., J.P. Harrington and B. Freire-Marreco, 1916, Ethnobotany of the Tewa Indians, SI-BAE Bulletin #55, page 49 |