Arenaria aculeata S. Wats. Prickly Sandwort USDA ARAC2 |
Shoshoni Drug, Eye Medicine Decoction of root used as an eyewash. Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 38 |
Arenaria congesta Nutt. Ballhead Sandwort USDA ARCOC4 |
Gosiute Drug, Gastrointestinal Aid Plant used as bowel medicine. Chamberlin, Ralph V., 1911, The Ethno-Botany of the Gosiute Indians of Utah, Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 2(5):331-405., page 362 |
Arenaria congesta Nutt. Ballhead Sandwort USDA ARCOC4 |
Shoshoni Drug, Antirheumatic (External) Poultice of steeped leaves applied for swellings. Murphey, Edith Van Allen, 1990, Indian Uses of Native Plants, Glenwood, Ill. Meyerbooks. Originally published in 1959, page 42 |
Arenaria congesta Nutt. Ballhead Sandwort USDA ARCOC4 |
Shoshoni Drug, Blood Medicine Infusion of flower heads and seeds taken as a blood purifier. Nickerson, Gifford S., 1966, Some Data on Plains and Great Basin Indian Uses of Certain Native Plants, Tebiwa 9(1):45-51, page 47 |
Arenaria congesta Nutt. Ballhead Sandwort USDA ARCOC4 |
Shoshoni Drug, Dermatological Aid Poultice of steeped leaves and blossoms used for sun exposure. Murphey, Edith Van Allen, 1990, Indian Uses of Native Plants, Glenwood, Ill. Meyerbooks. Originally published in 1959, page 47 |
Arenaria congesta Nutt. Ballhead Sandwort USDA ARCOC4 |
Shoshoni Drug, Venereal Aid Poultice of steeped leaves and blossoms used for gonorrheal ulcers. Murphey, Edith Van Allen, 1990, Indian Uses of Native Plants, Glenwood, Ill. Meyerbooks. Originally published in 1959, page 47 |
Arenaria congesta Nutt. Ballhead Sandwort USDA ARCOC4 |
Washo Drug, Antirheumatic (External) Poultice of steeped leaves applied for swellings. Murphey, Edith Van Allen, 1990, Indian Uses of Native Plants, Glenwood, Ill. Meyerbooks. Originally published in 1959, page 42 |
Arenaria eastwoodiae Rydb. Eastwood's Sandwort USDA AREAE |
Hopi Drug, Emetic Plant used as an emetic for the stomach. Whiting, Alfred F., 1939, Ethnobotany of the Hopi, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin #15, page 34, 75-76 |
Arenaria fendleri Gray Fendler's Sandwort USDA ARFEF3 |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Panacea Root used, only in the summer, as a 'life medicine.' Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 26 |
Arenaria fendleri Gray Fendler's Sandwort USDA ARFEF3 |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Respiratory Aid Powdered root used as snuff to cause sneezing for 'congested nose.' Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 26 |
Arenaria lanuginosa ssp. saxosa (Gray) Maguire Spreading Sandwort USDA ARLAS |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Analgesic Cold infusion used as lotion on forehead for headache. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 26 |
Arenaria lanuginosa ssp. saxosa (Gray) Maguire Spreading Sandwort USDA ARLAS |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Dermatological Aid Infusion of plant used as lotion for pimples. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 26 |
Arenaria lanuginosa ssp. saxosa (Gray) Maguire Spreading Sandwort USDA ARLAS |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Eye Medicine Infusion of plant used as eye drops. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 26 |
Arenaria lanuginosa ssp. saxosa (Gray) Maguire Spreading Sandwort USDA ARLAS |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Febrifuge Cold infusion used as lotion on forehead for fever. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 26 |
Arenaria lanuginosa ssp. saxosa (Gray) Maguire Spreading Sandwort USDA ARLAS |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Respiratory Aid Infusion of powdered root put in nose to cause sneezing for 'congested nose.' Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 26 |
Arenaria lanuginosa ssp. saxosa (Gray) Maguire Spreading Sandwort USDA ARLAS |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Venereal Aid Strong infusion of plant taken before sweatbath for venereal disease. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 26 |
Arenaria macradenia S. Wats. Mojave Sandwort USDA ARMAM4 |
Kawaiisu Drug, Analgesic Dried root smoke inhaled for headaches. Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 12 |
Arenaria macradenia S. Wats. Mojave Sandwort USDA ARMAM4 |
Kawaiisu Drug, Analgesic Poultice of broken roots applied to the head for headaches. Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 12 |
Arenaria macradenia S. Wats. Mojave Sandwort USDA ARMAM4 |
Kawaiisu Drug, Analgesic Root used as a salve for pain. Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 12 |
Arenaria macradenia S. Wats. Mojave Sandwort USDA ARMAM4 |
Kawaiisu Drug, Antirheumatic (External) Poultice of broken roots applied to area affected by rheumatism. Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 12 |
Arenaria macradenia S. Wats. Mojave Sandwort USDA ARMAM4 |
Kawaiisu Drug, Dermatological Aid Root used as a salve for pimples. Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 12 |
Arenaria macradenia S. Wats. Mojave Sandwort USDA ARMAM4 |
Kawaiisu Drug, Respiratory Aid Dried root smoke inhaled to clear the sinuses. Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 12 |
Arenaria sp. Sandwort |
Shoshoni Other, Smoke Plant Leaves used to make tobacco mixture for smoking. Murphey, Edith Van Allen, 1990, Indian Uses of Native Plants, Glenwood, Ill. Meyerbooks. Originally published in 1959, page 61 |
Arenaria sp. Sandwort |
Yavapai Drug, Cathartic Decoction of pounded root, with cathartic qualities, taken for stomachaches. Gifford, E. W., 1936, Northeastern and Western Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 34:247-345, page 261 |
Arenaria sp. Sandwort |
Yavapai Drug, Gastrointestinal Aid Decoction of pounded root taken for stomachaches. Gifford, E. W., 1936, Northeastern and Western Yavapai, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 34:247-345, page 261 |
Arenaria triflora var. obtusa S. Wats. |
Gosiute Drug, Cathartic Plant used as a purgative for babies and adults with intestinal disorders. Chamberlin, Ralph V., 1911, The Ethno-Botany of the Gosiute Indians of Utah, Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 2(5):331-405., page 350 |
Arenaria triflora var. obtusa S. Wats. |
Gosiute Drug, Gastrointestinal Aid Plant used as a purgative for babies and adults with intestinal disorders. Chamberlin, Ralph V., 1911, The Ethno-Botany of the Gosiute Indians of Utah, Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 2(5):331-405., page 350 |
Arenaria triflora var. obtusa S. Wats. |
Gosiute Drug, Gastrointestinal Aid Used as a bowel medicine. Chamberlin, Ralph V., 1911, The Ethno-Botany of the Gosiute Indians of Utah, Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 2(5):331-405., page 362 |
Arenaria triflora var. obtusa S. Wats. |
Gosiute Drug, Pediatric Aid Plant used as a purgative for babies and adults with intestinal disorders. Chamberlin, Ralph V., 1911, The Ethno-Botany of the Gosiute Indians of Utah, Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 2(5):331-405., page 350 |
Reverchonia arenaria Gray Sand Reverchonia USDA REAR |
Hopi Drug, Gynecological Aid Plant used for postpartum hemorrhage. Whiting, Alfred F., 1939, Ethnobotany of the Hopi, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin #15, page 36, 84 |
Reverchonia arenaria Gray Sand Reverchonia USDA REAR |
Navajo, Kayenta Drug, Veterinary Aid Plant used for livestock bloat. Wyman, Leland C. and Stuart K. Harris, 1951, The Ethnobotany of the Kayenta Navaho, Albuquerque. The University of New Mexico Press, page 31 |