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Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Omaha Drug, Dietary Aid
Plant used as an appetizer.
Gilmore, Melvin R., 1913, A Study in the Ethnobotany of the Omaha Indians, Nebraska State Historical Society Collections 17:314-57., page 335
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Omaha Drug, Gynecological Aid
Root used in cases of protracted labor.
Fletcher, Alice C. and Francis La Flesche, 1911, The Omaha Tribe, SI-BAE Annual Report #27, page 585
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Omaha Drug, Panacea
Root used for any ailment, according to the doctrine of signatures.
Gilmore, Melvin R., 1919, Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region, SI-BAE Annual Report #33, page 116117
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Omaha Drug, Tonic
Plant used as a tonic.
Gilmore, Melvin R., 1913, A Study in the Ethnobotany of the Omaha Indians, Nebraska State Historical Society Collections 17:314-57., page 335
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Paiute Drug, Cathartic
Decoction of root taken as a physic for venereal disease.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 62, 63
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Paiute Drug, Dermatological Aid
Decoction of root used to kill maggots in wounds.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 62, 63
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Paiute Drug, Emetic
Decoction of root taken as an emetic for venereal disease.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 62, 63
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Paiute Drug, Venereal Aid
Decoction of root taken as an emetic and physic for venereal diseases.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 62, 63
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Paiute Drug, Venereal Aid
Pulverized seeds sprinkled on venereal sores.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 62, 63
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Papago Other, Soap
Fruits dried, grated into soapy water and used to bleach clothes.
Castetter, Edward F. and Ruth M. Underhill, 1935, Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest II. The Ethnobiology of the Papago Indians, University of New Mexico Bulletin 4(3):1-84, page 52
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Pawnee Drug, Panacea
Root used for any ailment, according to the doctrine of signatures.
Gilmore, Melvin R., 1919, Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region, SI-BAE Annual Report #33, page 116117
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Pima Food, Unspecified
Seeds roasted and eaten.
Russell, Frank, 1908, The Pima Indians, SI-BAE Annual Report #26:1-390, page 70
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Ponca Drug, Panacea
Root used for any ailment, according to the doctrine of signatures.
Gilmore, Melvin R., 1919, Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region, SI-BAE Annual Report #33, page 116117
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Shoshoni Drug, Cathartic
Decoction of root taken as a physic for venereal disease.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 62, 63
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Shoshoni Drug, Emetic
Decoction of root taken as an emetic for venereal disease.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 62, 63
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Shoshoni Drug, Venereal Aid
Decoction of root taken as an emetic and physic for venereal diseases.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 62, 63
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Shoshoni Drug, Venereal Aid
Infusion of plant taken for gonorrhea and syphilis.
Murphey, Edith Van Allen, 1990, Indian Uses of Native Plants, Glenwood, Ill. Meyerbooks. Originally published in 1959, page 47
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Shoshoni Drug, Veterinary Aid
Infusion of plant given to horses for bloat or worms.
Murphey, Edith Van Allen, 1990, Indian Uses of Native Plants, Glenwood, Ill. Meyerbooks. Originally published in 1959, page 48
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Tewa Drug, Laxative
Infusion of pulverized root taken as a laxative.
Robbins, W.W., J.P. Harrington and B. Freire-Marreco, 1916, Ethnobotany of the Tewa Indians, SI-BAE Bulletin #55, page 63
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Winnebago Drug, Panacea
Root used for any ailment, according to the doctrine of signatures.
Gilmore, Melvin R., 1919, Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region, SI-BAE Annual Report #33, page 116117
Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
Missouri Gourd
Zuni Drug, Antirheumatic (External)
Poultice of powdered seeds, flowers and saliva applied to swellings.
Camazine, Scott and Robert A. Bye, 1980, A Study Of The Medical Ethnobotany Of The Zuni Indians of New Mexico, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2:365-388, page 375
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Hawaiian Drug, Dermatological Aid
Fruit meat and water taken for bad skin blotches.
Akana, Akaiko, 1922, Hawaiian Herbs of Medicinal Value, Honolulu: Pacific Book House, page 28
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Hawaiian Drug, Gynecological Aid
Fruits and shoots or buds with other plants pounded, mixed with water and used for fallen wombs.
Akana, Akaiko, 1922, Hawaiian Herbs of Medicinal Value, Honolulu: Pacific Book House, page 28
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Hawaiian Drug, Laxative
Fruits mixed with water and used for internal cleaning of the bowels.
Akana, Akaiko, 1922, Hawaiian Herbs of Medicinal Value, Honolulu: Pacific Book House, page 28
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Hawaiian Drug, Psychological Aid
Leaves and young shoots eaten for partial insanity due to lack of sleep.
Akana, Akaiko, 1922, Hawaiian Herbs of Medicinal Value, Honolulu: Pacific Book House, page 28
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Hopi Food, Unspecified
Species used for food.
Whiting, Alfred F., 1939, Ethnobotany of the Hopi, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin #15, page 93
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Iroquois Food, Bread & Cake
Fresh or dried flesh boiled, mashed and mixed into the paste when making corn bread.
Waugh, F. W., 1916, Iroquis Foods and Food Preparation, Ottawa. Canada Department of Mines, page 113
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Iroquois Food, Dried Food
Flesh cut into strips, dried and stored away.
Waugh, F. W., 1916, Iroquis Foods and Food Preparation, Ottawa. Canada Department of Mines, page 113
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Iroquois Food, Special Food
Squash eaten at feasts of ceremonial importance and longhouse ceremonies.
Waugh, F. W., 1916, Iroquis Foods and Food Preparation, Ottawa. Canada Department of Mines, page 113
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Iroquois Food, Vegetable
Flesh boiled, baked in ashes or boiled, mashed with butter and sugar and eaten.
Waugh, F. W., 1916, Iroquis Foods and Food Preparation, Ottawa. Canada Department of Mines, page 113
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Iroquois Food, Vegetable
Flesh fried and sweetened or seasoned with salt, pepper and butter.
Waugh, F. W., 1916, Iroquis Foods and Food Preparation, Ottawa. Canada Department of Mines, page 113
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Navajo, Ramah Food, Spice
Blossoms used as seasoning for soup.
Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 46
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Navajo, Ramah Food, Unspecified
Squash cultivated and used for food.
Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 46
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Navajo, Ramah Food, Winter Use Food
Squash peeled, cut into strips, sun dried and stored in cellars or ground holes for winter use.
Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 46
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Ojibwa Drug, Diuretic
Infusion of seeds taken as a diuretic.
Smith, Huron H., 1932, Ethnobotany of the Ojibwe Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of Milwaukee 4:327-525, page 367
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Ojibwa Food, Dried Food
Squash rings dried for winter use.
Smith, Huron H., 1932, Ethnobotany of the Ojibwe Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of Milwaukee 4:327-525, page 399
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Papago Food, Fruit
Fruit grown for food.
Castetter, Edward F. and Willis H. Bell, 1942, Pima and Papago Indian Agriculture, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. First Edition., page 101
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Pima Food, Fruit
Fruit grown for food.
Castetter, Edward F. and Willis H. Bell, 1942, Pima and Papago Indian Agriculture, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. First Edition., page 101
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne
Winter Squash
Sia Food, Unspecified
Cultivated pumpkins used for food.
White, Leslie A., 1962, The Pueblo of Sia, New Mexico, XXX SI-BAE Bulletin #, page 106
Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Crookneck Squash
Cahuilla Food, Dried Food
Cooked, cut into strips and dried.
Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel, 1972, Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants, Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press, page 58
Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Crookneck Squash
Cahuilla Food, Unspecified
Cooked and eaten fresh.
Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel, 1972, Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants, Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press, page 58
Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Crookneck Squash
Cocopa Other, Hide Preparation
Seeds used to tan hides.
Castetter, Edward F. and Willis H. Bell, 1951, Yuman Indian Agriculture, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, page 113
Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Crookneck Squash
Havasupai Food, Dried Food
Seeds dried, parched, shelled and eaten.
Weber, Steven A. and P. David Seaman, 1985, Havasupai Habitat: A. F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture, Tucson. The University of Arizona Press, page 244
Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Crookneck Squash
Havasupai Food, Porridge
Seeds ground to form a paste or mixed with corn into a mush.
Weber, Steven A. and P. David Seaman, 1985, Havasupai Habitat: A. F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture, Tucson. The University of Arizona Press, page 244
Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Crookneck Squash
Havasupai Food, Soup
Flowers and amaranth leaves boiled, ground and fresh or dried corn and water added to make soup.
Weber, Steven A. and P. David Seaman, 1985, Havasupai Habitat: A. F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture, Tucson. The University of Arizona Press, page 74
Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Crookneck Squash
Havasupai Food, Soup
Seeds parched, ground and used to make soup or mush.
Weber, Steven A. and P. David Seaman, 1985, Havasupai Habitat: A. F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture, Tucson. The University of Arizona Press, page 67
Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Crookneck Squash
Havasupai Food, Vegetable
Fruit baked and the flesh eaten.
Weber, Steven A. and P. David Seaman, 1985, Havasupai Habitat: A. F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture, Tucson. The University of Arizona Press, page 66
Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Crookneck Squash
Havasupai Other, Containers
Rind baked, cleaned, dried and used as a storage container for seeds.
Weber, Steven A. and P. David Seaman, 1985, Havasupai Habitat: A. F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture, Tucson. The University of Arizona Press, page 66
Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Crookneck Squash
Havasupai Other, Containers
Rinds sun dried, filled with seeds and beans and hidden from enemy raiders.
Weber, Steven A. and P. David Seaman, 1985, Havasupai Habitat: A. F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture, Tucson. The University of Arizona Press, page 244
Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.) Duchesne ex Poir.
Crookneck Squash
Havasupai Other, Planting Seeds
Seeds stored for future planting.
Weber, Steven A. and P. David Seaman, 1985, Havasupai Habitat: A. F. Whiting's Ethnography of a Traditional Indian Culture, Tucson. The University of Arizona Press, page 244