Fraxinus sp.

Common names: Ash

Documented uses

6 uses documented
Algonquin, Quebec Drug, Ear Medicine detail... (Black, Meredith Jean, 1980, Algonquin Ethnobotany: An Interpretation of Aboriginal Adaptation in South Western Quebec, Ottawa. National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series Number 65, pages 218)
Chippewa Drug, Cathartic detail... (Densmore, Frances, 1928, Uses of Plants by the Chippewa Indians, SI-BAE Annual Report #44:273-379, pages 364)
Chippewa Drug, Stimulant detail... (Densmore, Frances, 1928, Uses of Plants by the Chippewa Indians, SI-BAE Annual Report #44:273-379, pages 364)
Chippewa Drug, Tonic detail... (Densmore, Frances, 1928, Uses of Plants by the Chippewa Indians, SI-BAE Annual Report #44:273-379, pages 364)
Chippewa Fiber, Snow Gear detail... (Densmore, Frances, 1928, Uses of Plants by the Chippewa Indians, SI-BAE Annual Report #44:273-379, pages 377)
Iroquois Fiber, Furniture detail... (Rousseau, Jacques, 1945, Le Folklore Botanique De L'ile Aux Coudres, Contributions de l'Institut botanique l'Universite de Montreal 55:75-111, pages 99)