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Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Kawaiisu Other, Jewelry
Cracked shells pinched by children onto the ear lobes and worn as ornaments.
Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 50
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Kawaiisu Other, Waterproofing Agent
Hot pitch applied to waterproof the inside and outside of a basketry water bottle.
Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 50
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Analgesic
Poultice of heated resin applied for general muscular soreness.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Antidiarrheal
Decoction of resin or simple/compound pills of resin taken for diarrhea.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Antiemetic
Decoction of resin taken for nausea.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Antirheumatic (Internal)
Decoction of resin taken for rheumatism.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Cold Remedy
Compound poultice of heated resin applied for chest congestion from colds.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Cold Remedy
Simple or compound decoction of several plant parts taken for colds.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Dermatological Aid
Compound poultice of pitch applied to sores, cuts, swellings and insect bites.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Dermatological Aid
Simple or compound poultice of heated resin applied to draw boils or slivers.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Febrifuge
Decoction of resin taken for fevers.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Gastrointestinal Aid
Decoction of resin taken for indigestion, nausea or bowel troubles.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Gynecological Aid
Decoction of resin taken as a tonic after childbirth and for general debility.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Misc. Disease Remedy
Decoction of resin taken for influenza.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Orthopedic Aid
Poultice of heated resin applied to treat any general muscular soreness.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Pulmonary Aid
Compound poultice of heated resin applied for chest congestion from colds.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Pulmonary Aid
Poultice of heated resin applied for pneumonia.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Throat Aid
Resin chewed or pulverized resin applied with swab for sore throat.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Tonic
Decoction of resin taken as a tonic after childbirth and for general debility.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Tuberculosis Remedy
Decoction of resin taken for tuberculosis and influenza.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Venereal Aid
Compound decoction of resin taken for venereal disease.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Venereal Aid
Decoction of resin taken, resin chewed or used as pills for venereal disease.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Drug, Venereal Aid
Pulverized resin dusted on syphilitic sores.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Food, Dried Food
Nuts sun dried or roasted and stored for future use.
Steward, Julian H., 1933, Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 33(3):233-250, page 241
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Food, Porridge
Roasted nuts ground into a flour and mixed with water into a paste or mush.
Steward, Julian H., 1933, Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 33(3):233-250, page 241
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Food, Soup
Roasted nuts ground into a flour and mixed with water into a soup.
Steward, Julian H., 1933, Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 33(3):233-250, page 241
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Food, Staple
Roasted nuts ground into flour.
Steward, Julian H., 1933, Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 33(3):233-250, page 241
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Food, Unspecified
Nuts eaten and obtained from Nevada.
Mahar, James Michael., 1953, Ethnobotany of the Oregon Paiutes of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Reed College, B.A. Thesis, page 42
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Food, Unspecified
Nuts roasted and eaten whole.
Steward, Julian H., 1933, Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 33(3):233-250, page 241
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Food, Unspecified
Seeds used for food.
Mahar, James Michael., 1953, Ethnobotany of the Oregon Paiutes of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Reed College, B.A. Thesis, page 42
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute Food, Winter Use Food
Nuts gathered in great quantity and stored for future use.
Steward, Julian H., 1933, Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 33(3):233-250, page 241
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute, Northern Food, Bread & Cake
Nuts roasted, winnowed, dried, ground into a meal, made into a stiff flour dough and eaten.
Fowler, Catherine S., 1989, Willards Z. Park's Ethnographic Notes on the Northern Paiute of Western Nevada 1933-1940, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 51
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute, Northern Food, Candy
Gum chewed as gum.
Fowler, Catherine S., 1989, Willards Z. Park's Ethnographic Notes on the Northern Paiute of Western Nevada 1933-1940, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 53
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute, Northern Food, Dried Food
Nuts dried and stored for future use.
Fowler, Catherine S., 1989, Willards Z. Park's Ethnographic Notes on the Northern Paiute of Western Nevada 1933-1940, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 51
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute, Northern Food, Ice Cream
Nuts roasted, dried, ground into a meal, made into a stiff dough, frozen and eaten like ice cream.
Fowler, Catherine S., 1989, Willards Z. Park's Ethnographic Notes on the Northern Paiute of Western Nevada 1933-1940, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 51
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Paiute, Northern Food, Soup
Nuts roasted, ground into a fine flour and cooked into a thick soup.
Fowler, Catherine S., 1989, Willards Z. Park's Ethnographic Notes on the Northern Paiute of Western Nevada 1933-1940, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 51
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Analgesic
Poultice of heated resin applied for sciatic pains or muscular soreness.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Analgesic
Poultice of heated resin used for sciatic pains and general muscular soreness.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Antiemetic
Decoction of resin taken for nausea.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Cold Remedy
Compound decoction of several plant parts taken for colds.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Cold Remedy
Smoke of pitch compound inhaled for colds.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Cough Medicine
Compound decoction of pitch taken for coughs.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Dermatological Aid
Compound decoction of needles used as antiseptic wash for rashes.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Dermatological Aid
Compound poultice of pitch applied to sores, cuts, swellings and insect bites.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Dermatological Aid
Poultice of heated resin applied to draw boils or imbedded slivers.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Disinfectant
Compound decoction of needles used as antiseptic wash for measles and other rashes.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Febrifuge
Decoction of resin taken for fevers.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Gastrointestinal Aid
Decoction of resin taken for indigestion, nausea or bowel troubles.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Kidney Aid
Compound decoction of resin taken for the kidneys.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118
Pinus monophylla Torr. & Fr‚m.
Singleleaf Pinyon
Shoshoni Drug, Misc. Disease Remedy
Compound decoction of needles used as antiseptic wash for measles.
Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 117118