Tilia americana L. American Basswood USDA TIAMA |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Jelly used for coughs. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 24 |
Tilia americana var. heterophylla (Vent.) Loud. American Basswood USDA TIAMH |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Jelly used for coughs. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 24 |
Trifolium pratense L. Red Clover USDA TRPR2 |
Algonquin, Quebec Drug, Pulmonary Aid Infusion of plant taken for whooping cough. Black, Meredith Jean, 1980, Algonquin Ethnobotany: An Interpretation of Aboriginal Adaptation in South Western Quebec, Ottawa. National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series Number 65, page 188 |
Trifolium repens L. White Clover USDA TRRE3 |
Mohegan Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of dried leaves taken for coughs. Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1972, Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related Algonkian Indians, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Historical Commission Anthropological Papers #3, page 75, 132 |
Trifolium repens L. White Clover USDA TRRE3 |
Mohegan Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of plant taken for coughs. Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1928, Mohegan Medicinal Practices, Weather-Lore and Superstitions, SI-BAE Annual Report #43: 264-270, page 270 |
Trillium erectum L. Red Trillium USDA TRER3 |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Taken for coughs. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 59 |
Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. Eastern Hemlock USDA TSCA |
Iroquois Drug, Cough Medicine Compound decoction taken for coughs. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 269 |
Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. Eastern Hemlock USDA TSCA |
Micmac Drug, Cough Medicine Bark used as cough medicine and for grippe. Chandler, R. Frank, Lois Freeman and Shirley N. Hooper, 1979, Herbal Remedies of the Maritime Indians, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1:49-68, page 62, 63 |
Tussilago farfara L. Coltsfoot USDA TUFA |
Iroquois Drug, Cough Medicine Compound infusion of roots taken as a consumption cough medicine. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 473 |
Tussilago farfara L. Coltsfoot USDA TUFA |
Iroquois Drug, Tuberculosis Remedy Compound infusion of roots taken as a consumption cough medicine. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 473 |
Typha latifolia L. Broadleaf Cattail USDA TYLA |
Houma Drug, Pulmonary Aid Decoction of stalks taken for whooping cough. Speck, Frank G., 1941, A List of Plant Curatives Obtained From the Houma Indians of Louisiana, Primitive Man 14:49-75, page 60 |
Ulmus americana L. American Elm USDA ULAM |
Delaware Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of inner bark used for severe coughs. Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1972, Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related Algonkian Indians, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Historical Commission Anthropological Papers #3, page 31 |
Ulmus americana L. American Elm USDA ULAM |
Delaware, Oklahoma Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of inner bark taken for severe coughs. Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1942, A Study of Delaware Indian Medicine Practice and Folk Beliefs, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Historical Commission, page 26, 80 |
Ulmus americana L. American Elm USDA ULAM |
Mohegan Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of bark taken for coughs. Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1928, Mohegan Medicinal Practices, Weather-Lore and Superstitions, SI-BAE Annual Report #43: 264-270, page 266 |
Ulmus americana L. American Elm USDA ULAM |
Mohegan Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of inner bark taken for coughs. Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1972, Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related Algonkian Indians, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Historical Commission Anthropological Papers #3, page 75, 132 |
Ulmus rubra Muhl. Slippery Elm USDA ULRU |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Used for coughs. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 33 |
Ulmus rubra Muhl. Slippery Elm USDA ULRU |
Cherokee Drug, Tuberculosis Remedy Used for 'quinsies,' coughs, 'consumptions and breast complaints.' Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 33 |
Ulmus rubra Muhl. Slippery Elm USDA ULRU |
Mohegan Drug, Cough Medicine Bark used for coughs. Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1972, Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related Algonkian Indians, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Historical Commission Anthropological Papers #3, page 132 |
Uvularia perfoliata L. Perfoliate Bellwort USDA UVPE |
Iroquois Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of roots given to children as cough medicine. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 280 |
Uvularia perfoliata L. Perfoliate Bellwort USDA UVPE |
Iroquois Drug, Pediatric Aid Infusion of roots given to children as cough medicine. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 280 |
Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. Lingonberry USDA VAVIM |
Tanana, Upper Drug, Cough Medicine Berries eaten raw or juice used for coughs. Kari, Priscilla Russe, 1985, Upper Tanana Ethnobotany, Anchorage. Alaska Historical Commission, page 9 |
Valeriana acutiloba Rydb. Sharpleaf Valerian USDA VAACA |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Cough Medicine Plant used for cough. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 45 |
Vancouveria hexandra (Hook.) Morr. & Dcne. White Insideout Flower USDA VAHE |
Yurok Drug, Cough Medicine Leaves eaten for coughs. Baker, Marc A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Yurok, Tolowa and Karok Indians of Northwest California, Humboldt State University, M.A. Thesis, page 61 |
Veratrum viride Ait. American False Hellebore USDA VEVI |
Bella Coola Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of bulb taken for chronic cough. Smith, Harlan I., 1929, Materia Medica of the Bella Coola and Neighboring Tribes of British Columbia, National Museum of Canada Bulletin 56:47-68, page 53 |
Veratrum viride Ait. American False Hellebore USDA VEVI |
Bella Coola Drug, Laxative Decoction of bulb taken for constipation and cough. Smith, Harlan I., 1929, Materia Medica of the Bella Coola and Neighboring Tribes of British Columbia, National Museum of Canada Bulletin 56:47-68, page 53 |
Veratrum viride Ait. American False Hellebore USDA VEVI |
Bella Coola Drug, Venereal Aid Decoction of bulb taken for gonorrhea and chronic cough. Smith, Harlan I., 1929, Materia Medica of the Bella Coola and Neighboring Tribes of British Columbia, National Museum of Canada Bulletin 56:47-68, page 53 |
Verbascum thapsus L. Common Mullein USDA VETH |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Compound decoction of leaf taken with brown sugar or honey as a cough syrup. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 45 |
Verbascum thapsus L. Common Mullein USDA VETH |
Creek Drug, Cough Medicine Compound decoction of root taken for coughs. Swanton, John R, 1928, Religious Beliefs and Medical Practices of the Creek Indians, SI-BAE Annual Report #42:473-672, page 660661 |
Verbascum thapsus L. Common Mullein USDA VETH |
Creek Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of roots taken as a cough remedy. Taylor, Linda Averill, 1940, Plants Used As Curatives by Certain Southeastern Tribes, Cambridge, MA. Botanical Museum of Harvard University, page 57 |
Verbascum thapsus L. Common Mullein USDA VETH |
Delaware Drug, Cough Medicine Leaves combined with coltsfoot, plum root and glycerine and used as a syrup for coughs. Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1972, Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related Algonkian Indians, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Historical Commission Anthropological Papers #3, page 36 |
Verbascum thapsus L. Common Mullein USDA VETH |
Delaware, Oklahoma Drug, Cough Medicine Compound containing leaves taken for catarrh, coughs and lung trouble. Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1942, A Study of Delaware Indian Medicine Practice and Folk Beliefs, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Historical Commission, page 30, 31 |
Verbascum thapsus L. Common Mullein USDA VETH |
Iroquois Drug, Anticonvulsive Dried leaves smoked for bad hiccoughs. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 432 |
Verbascum thapsus L. Common Mullein USDA VETH |
Mohegan Drug, Cough Medicine Compound infusion of leaves taken for coughs. Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1928, Mohegan Medicinal Practices, Weather-Lore and Superstitions, SI-BAE Annual Report #43: 264-270, page 270 |
Verbascum thapsus L. Common Mullein USDA VETH |
Mohegan Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of leaves mixed with molasses and taken for coughs. Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1972, Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related Algonkian Indians, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Historical Commission Anthropological Papers #3, page 77, 132 |
Verbascum thapsus L. Common Mullein USDA VETH |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Cough Medicine Leaves smoked for cough. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 45 |
Verbascum thapsus L. Common Mullein USDA VETH |
Thompson Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of leaves taken for coughs. Turner, Nancy J., Laurence C. Thompson and M. Terry Thompson et al., 1990, Thompson Ethnobotany: Knowledge and Usage of Plants by the Thompson Indians of British Columbia, Victoria. Royal British Columbia Museum, page 287 |
Verbena hastata L. Swamp Verbena USDA VEHAH |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Ttaken for coughs. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 60 |
Veronica officinalis L. Common Gypsyweed USDA VEOFO |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Taken with sugar for coughs. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 56 |
Veronica serpyllifolia L. Thymeleaf Speedwell USDA VESES |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Taken with sugar for coughs. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 56 |
Veronicastrum virginicum (L.) Farw. Culver's Root USDA VEVI4 |
Iroquois Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of roots taken for coughs and as a physic. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 435 |
Viburnum edule (Michx.) Raf. Mooseberry Viburnum USDA VIED |
Bella Coola Drug, Pulmonary Aid Bark chewed and juice swallowed for whooping cough and 'cold on the lungs.' Smith, Harlan I., 1929, Materia Medica of the Bella Coola and Neighboring Tribes of British Columbia, National Museum of Canada Bulletin 56:47-68, page 64 |
Viburnum edule (Michx.) Raf. Mooseberry Viburnum USDA VIED |
Carrier Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of stems taken for coughs. Carrier Linguistic Committee, 1973, Plants of Carrier Country, Fort St. James, BC. Carrier Linguistic Committee, page 77 |
Viburnum edule (Michx.) Raf. Mooseberry Viburnum USDA VIED |
Gitksan Drug, Cough Medicine Compound decoction of twigs and bark taken for coughs. Smith, Harlan I., 1929, Materia Medica of the Bella Coola and Neighboring Tribes of British Columbia, National Museum of Canada Bulletin 56:47-68, page 64 |
Viola bicolor Pursh Field Pansy USDA VIBI |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion with sugar taken for cough. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 60 |
Viola cucullata Ait. Marsh Blue Violet USDA VICU |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion with sugar taken for cough. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 60 |
Viola pubescens Ait. Downy Yellow Violet USDA VIPUP2 |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion with sugar taken for cough. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 60 |
Viola rotundifolia Michx. Roundleaf Yellow Violet USDA VIRO2 |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion with sugar taken for cough. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 60 |
Viola sororia Willd. Common Blue Violet USDA VISO |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion with sugar taken for cough. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 60 |
Viola ?pedata L. (pro sp.) Birdfoot Violet USDA VIPE |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion with sugar taken for cough. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 60 |
Vitis vulpina L. Frost Grape USDA VIVU |
Iroquois Drug, Other Vines chewed for hiccoughs. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 383 |