Cornus sericea ssp. sericea Redosier Dogwood USDA COSES |
Iroquois Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of bark taken for coughs. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 403 |
Croton californicus Muell.-Arg. California Croton USDA CRCAC |
Diegueno Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of whole plant taken for coughs. Hinton, Leanne, 1975, Notes on La Huerta Diegueno Ethnobotany, Journal of California Anthropology 2:214-222, page 218 |
Cryptantha fendleri (Gray) Greene Sanddune Catseye USDA CRFE3 |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of plant taken for coughs. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 40 |
Cryptantha fulvocanescens var. fulvocanescens Tawny Catseye USDA CRFUF |
Navajo Drug, Cough Medicine Plant chewed for coughs. Elmore, Francis H., 1944, Ethnobotany of the Navajo, Sante Fe, NM. School of American Research, page 72 |
Cupressus arizonica ssp. nevadensis (Abrams) E. Murray Paiute Cypress USDA CUARN2 |
Kawaiisu Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of dried seeds taken for coughing. Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 22 |
Cyperus esculentus L. Chufa Flatsedge USDA CYESL |
Pima Drug, Cough Medicine Roots chewed for coughs. Curtin, L. S. M., 1949, By the Prophet of the Earth, Sante Fe. San Vicente Foundation, page 98 |
Dichanthelium laxiflorum (Lam.) Gould Openflower Rosette Grass USDA DILA9 |
Seminole Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of plant taken & used as bath for gopher-tortoise sickness: cough, dry throat, noisy chest. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 236 |
Dichanthelium laxiflorum (Lam.) Gould Openflower Rosette Grass USDA DILA9 |
Seminole Drug, Pulmonary Aid Infusion of plant taken & used as bath for gopher-tortoise sickness: cough, dry throat, noisy chest. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 236 |
Dichanthelium laxiflorum (Lam.) Gould Openflower Rosette Grass USDA DILA9 |
Seminole Drug, Throat Aid Infusion of plant taken & used as bath for gopher-tortoise sickness: cough, dry throat, noisy chest. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 236 |
Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens (Griseb.) Freckmann Roughhair Rosette Grass USDA DISTG |
Seminole Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of plant taken & used as bath for gopher-tortoise sickness: cough, dry throat, noisy chest. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 236 |
Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens (Griseb.) Freckmann Roughhair Rosette Grass USDA DISTG |
Seminole Drug, Pulmonary Aid Infusion of plant taken & used as bath for gopher-tortoise sickness: cough, dry throat, noisy chest. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 236 |
Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens (Griseb.) Freckmann Roughhair Rosette Grass USDA DISTG |
Seminole Drug, Throat Aid Infusion of plant taken & used as bath for gopher-tortoise sickness: cough, dry throat, noisy chest. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 236 |
Draba helleriana Greene Heller's Whitlowgrass USDA DRHEH |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of leaves taken for bad cough, sore kidney or gonorrhea. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 28 |
Draba helleriana Greene Heller's Whitlowgrass USDA DRHEH |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Kidney Aid Decoction of leaves taken for sore kidney, bad cough or gonorrhea. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 28 |
Draba helleriana Greene Heller's Whitlowgrass USDA DRHEH |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Venereal Aid Decoction of leaves taken for gonorrhea, sore kidney or bad cough. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 28 |
Dyssodia papposa (Vent.) A.S. Hitchc. Fetid Marigold USDA DYPA |
Dakota Drug, Veterinary Aid Compound decoction of plant used for horses with coughs. Gilmore, Melvin R., 1919, Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region, SI-BAE Annual Report #33, page 132133 |
Dyssodia papposa (Vent.) A.S. Hitchc. Fetid Marigold USDA DYPA |
Dakota Drug, Veterinary Aid Plant given to horses for coughs. Gilmore, Melvin R., 1913, Some Native Nebraska Plants With Their Uses by the Dakota, Collections of the Nebraska State Historical Society 17:358-70, page 369 |
Echinacea angustifolia var. angustifolia Blacksamson Echinacea USDA ECANA |
Kiowa Drug, Cough Medicine Ground root chewed for coughs. Vestal, Paul A. and Richard Evans Schultes, 1939, The Economic Botany of the Kiowa Indians, Cambridge MA. Botanical Museum of Harvard University, page 57 |
Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench Eastern Purple Coneflower USDA ECPU |
Choctaw Drug, Cough Medicine Root chewed, saliva swallowed and tincture of root used for cough. Campbell, T.N., 1951, Medicinal Plants Used by Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Creek Indians in the Early Nineteenth Century, Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 41(9):285-290, page 288 |
Enceliopsis nudicaulis (Gray) A. Nels. Nakedstem Sunray USDA ENNUN |
Shoshoni Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of leaves taken for coughs. Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 67, 68 |
Ephedra torreyana S. Wats. Torrey's Jointfir USDA EPTOT |
Keres, Western Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of stems used as a cough medicine. Swank, George R., 1932, The Ethnobotany of the Acoma and Laguna Indians, University of New Mexico, M.A. Thesis, page 42 |
Ephedra torreyana S. Wats. Torrey's Jointfir USDA EPTOT |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of whole plant taken for bad cough. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 14 |
Ephedra viridis Coville Mormon Tea USDA EPVI |
Navajo Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of plant tops taken as a cough medicine. Elmore, Francis H., 1944, Ethnobotany of the Navajo, Sante Fe, NM. School of American Research, page 24 |
Epilobium sp. Willow Weed |
Abnaki Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of roots and bark from other plants taken for persistent coughs. Rousseau, Jacques, 1947, Ethnobotanique Abenakise, Archives de Folklore 11:145-182, page 164 |
Equisetum arvense L. Field Horsetail USDA EQAR |
Cheyenne Drug, Veterinary Aid Infusion of leaves and stems given to horses with a hard cough. Grinnell, George Bird, 1972, The Cheyenne Indians - Their History and Ways of Life Vol.2, Lincoln. University of Nebraska Press, page 169 |
Equisetum sp. Mare's Tail |
Modesse Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of plant taken for coughs. Merriam, C. Hart, 1966, Ethnographic Notes on California Indian Tribes, University of California Archaeological Research Facility, Berkeley, page 224 |
Ericameria nana Nutt. Dwarf Heathgoldenrod USDA ERNA7 |
Paiute Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of flowering heads and stems used for coughs and colds. Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 36 |
Ericameria nana Nutt. Dwarf Heathgoldenrod USDA ERNA7 |
Shoshoni Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of flowering heads and stems used for coughs and colds. Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 36 |
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. bigelovii (Gray) Nesom & Baird Rubber Rabbitbrush USDA ERNAB2 |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Cough Medicine Strong decoction of root taken for cough. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 49, 50 |
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. nauseosa Rubber Rabbitbrush USDA ERNAN5 |
Cheyenne Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of flower parts taken for coughs. Hart, Jeffrey A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Northern Cheyenne Indians of Montana, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 4:1-55, page 20 |
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. nauseosa Rubber Rabbitbrush USDA ERNAN5 |
Coahuilla Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of twigs taken for coughs. Barrows, David Prescott, 1967, The Ethno-Botany of the Coahuilla Indians of Southern California, Banning CA. Malki Museum Press. Originally Published 1900, page 79 |
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. speciosa (Nutt.) Nesom & Baird Rubber Rabbitbrush |
Shoshoni Drug, Cough Medicine Compound decoction of stems taken for coughs. Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 57 |
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. speciosa (Nutt.) Nesom & Baird Rubber Rabbitbrush |
Shoshoni Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of stems and leaves taken for coughs. Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 57 |
Erigeron eximius Greene Sprucefir Fleabane USDA EREX4 |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Cough Medicine Cold infusion of plant taken and used as a lotion for cough. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 51 |
Erigeron philadelphicus L. Philadelphia Fleabane USDA ERPHP |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Taken for coughs. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 35 |
Erigeron pulchellus Michx. Robin's Plantain USDA ERPUP |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Taken for coughs. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 35 |
Erigeron pulchellus Michx. Robin's Plantain USDA ERPUP |
Iroquois Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of roots taken for coughs. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 464 |
Eriodictyon angustifolium Nutt. Narrowleaf Yerbasanta USDA ERAN2 |
Paiute Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of leaves or shoots taken for coughs. Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 71, 72 |
Eriodictyon angustifolium Nutt. Narrowleaf Yerbasanta USDA ERAN2 |
Shoshoni Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of leaves or shoots taken for coughs. Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 71, 72 |
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. California Yerbasanta USDA ERCA6 |
Atsugewi Drug, Pulmonary Aid Juice of chewed plant used for whooping cough. Garth, Thomas R., 1953, Atsugewi Ethnography, Anthropological Records 14(2):140-141, page 140 |
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. California Yerbasanta USDA ERCA6 |
Atsugewi Drug, Pulmonary Aid Plant chewed and juice swallowed for whooping cough. Garth, Thomas R., 1953, Atsugewi Ethnography, Anthropological Records 14(2):140-141, page 140 |
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. California Yerbasanta USDA ERCA6 |
Mahuna Drug, Cough Medicine Plant used for coughs. Romero, John Bruno, 1954, The Botanical Lore of the California Indians, New York. Vantage Press, Inc., page 19 |
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. California Yerbasanta USDA ERCA6 |
Miwok Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of leaves and flowers taken for coughs. Barrett, S. A. and E. W. Gifford, 1933, Miwok Material Culture, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 2(4):11, page 169 |
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. California Yerbasanta USDA ERCA6 |
Miwok Drug, Cough Medicine Leaves chewed for coughs. Barrett, S. A. and E. W. Gifford, 1933, Miwok Material Culture, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 2(4):11, page 169 |
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. California Yerbasanta USDA ERCA6 |
Miwok Drug, Cough Medicine Leaves smoked in form of cigarette for coughs. Barrett, S. A. and E. W. Gifford, 1933, Miwok Material Culture, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 2(4):11, page 169 |
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. California Yerbasanta USDA ERCA6 |
Pomo, Kashaya Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of leaves used as a cough medicine. Goodrich, Jennie and Claudia Lawson, 1980, Kashaya Pomo Plants, Los Angeles. American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles, page 74 |
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. California Yerbasanta USDA ERCA6 |
Yuki Drug, Cough Medicine Plant used in cough syrup. Curtin, L. S. M., 1957, Some Plants Used by the Yuki Indians ... II. Food Plants, The Masterkey 31:85-94, page 47 |
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. California Yerbasanta USDA ERCA6 |
Yurok Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of leaves taken for coughs. Baker, Marc A., 1981, The Ethnobotany of the Yurok, Tolowa and Karok Indians of Northwest California, Humboldt State University, M.A. Thesis, page 30 |
Eriodictyon trichocalyx Heller Hairy Yerbasanta USDA ERTRT4 |
Cahuilla Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of leaves used for coughs. Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel, 1972, Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants, Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press, page 71 |
Eriodictyon trichocalyx Heller Hairy Yerbasanta USDA ERTRT4 |
Cahuilla Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of three leaves & 1/2 teaspoon of sugar taken for coughs, one teaspoon every four hours. Bean, Lowell John and Katherine Siva Saubel, 1972, Temalpakh (From the Earth); Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants, Banning, CA. Malki Museum Press, page 71 |