Maianthemum racemosum ssp. racemosum Feather Solomon's Seal USDA MARAR |
Mohegan Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of leaves used for cough. Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1928, Mohegan Medicinal Practices, Weather-Lore and Superstitions, SI-BAE Annual Report #43: 264-270, page 265 |
Maianthemum stellatum (L.) Link Starry False Solomon's Seal USDA MAST4 |
Paiute Drug, Cough Medicine Exudate from plant used as a cough syrup. Train, Percy, James R. Henrichs and W. Andrew Archer, 1941, Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada, Washington DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, page 139140 |
Malus fusca (Raf.) Schneid. Oregon Crabapple USDA MAFU |
Nitinaht Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of bark taken for coughs. Turner, Nancy J., John Thomas, Barry F. Carlson and Robert T. Ogilvie, 1983, Ethnobotany of the Nitinaht Indians of Vancouver Island, Victoria. British Columbia Provincial Museum, page 121 |
Marrubium vulgare L. Horehound USDA MAVU |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Mixed with sugar to make cough syrup. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 39 |
Marrubium vulgare L. Horehound USDA MAVU |
Costanoan Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of leaves used for coughs. Bocek, Barbara R., 1984, Ethnobotany of Costanoan Indians, California, Based on Collections by John P. Harrington, Economic Botany 38(2):240-255, page 16 |
Marrubium vulgare L. Horehound USDA MAVU |
Costanoan Drug, Pulmonary Aid Decoction of leaves used for whooping cough. Bocek, Barbara R., 1984, Ethnobotany of Costanoan Indians, California, Based on Collections by John P. Harrington, Economic Botany 38(2):240-255, page 16 |
Marrubium vulgare L. Horehound USDA MAVU |
Diegueno Drug, Pediatric Aid Infusion of leaves mixed with honey and given to children for colds and whooping cough. Hedges, Ken, 1986, Santa Ysabel Ethnobotany, San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Technology Notes, No. 20, page 25 |
Marrubium vulgare L. Horehound USDA MAVU |
Diegueno Drug, Pulmonary Aid Infusion of leaves taken for whooping cough. Hedges, Ken, 1986, Santa Ysabel Ethnobotany, San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Technology Notes, No. 20, page 25 |
Marrubium vulgare L. Horehound USDA MAVU |
Kawaiisu Drug, Cough Medicine Hot or cold infusion of leaves and flowering tops taken for coughs. Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 40 |
Marrubium vulgare L. Horehound USDA MAVU |
Mahuna Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of leaves and flowers taken for coughs. Romero, John Bruno, 1954, The Botanical Lore of the California Indians, New York. Vantage Press, Inc., page 18 |
Marrubium vulgare L. Horehound USDA MAVU |
Rappahannock Drug, Cough Medicine Compound decoction taken for coughs. Speck, Frank G., R.B. Hassrick and E.S. Carpenter, 1942, Rappahannock Herbals, Folk-Lore and Science of Cures, Proceedings of the Delaware County Institute of Science 10:7-55., page 27 |
Marrubium vulgare L. Horehound USDA MAVU |
Yuki Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of plant taken for coughs. Curtin, L. S. M., 1957, Some Plants Used by the Yuki Indians ... II. Food Plants, The Masterkey 31:85-94, page 47 |
Mentha arvensis L. Canadian Mint USDA MEAR4 |
Cree, Woodlands Drug, Antihemorrhagic Infusion of plant taken for coughing up blood. Leighton, Anna L., 1985, Wild Plant Use by the Woods Cree (Nihithawak) of East-Central Saskatchewan, Ottawa. National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series, page 45 |
Mentha arvensis L. Canadian Mint USDA MEAR4 |
Flathead Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion taken for coughs. Hart, Jeff, 1992, Montana Native Plants and Early Peoples, Helena. Montana Historical Society Press, page 64 |
Mentha arvensis L. Canadian Mint USDA MEAR4 |
Gosiute Drug, Analgesic Decoction of plant taken for coughs and colds with headaches. Chamberlin, Ralph V., 1911, The Ethno-Botany of the Gosiute Indians of Utah, Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 2(5):331-405., page 351 |
Mentha arvensis L. Canadian Mint USDA MEAR4 |
Gosiute Drug, Cold Remedy Decoction of plant taken for coughs and colds with headaches. Chamberlin, Ralph V., 1911, The Ethno-Botany of the Gosiute Indians of Utah, Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 2(5):331-405., page 351 |
Mentha arvensis L. Canadian Mint USDA MEAR4 |
Gosiute Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of plant taken for coughs and colds with headaches. Chamberlin, Ralph V., 1911, The Ethno-Botany of the Gosiute Indians of Utah, Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 2(5):331-405., page 351 |
Mentha arvensis L. Canadian Mint USDA MEAR4 |
Kutenai Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion taken for coughs. Hart, Jeff, 1992, Montana Native Plants and Early Peoples, Helena. Montana Historical Society Press, page 64 |
Mertensia virginica (L.) Pers. ex Link Virginia Bluebells USDA MEVI3 |
Cherokee Drug, Pulmonary Aid Taken for whooping cough. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 26 |
Mimulus eastwoodiae Rydb. Eastwood's Monkeyflower USDA MIEA |
Navajo, Kayenta Drug, Anticonvulsive Plant used for hiccoughs. Wyman, Leland C. and Stuart K. Harris, 1951, The Ethnobotany of the Kayenta Navaho, Albuquerque. The University of New Mexico Press, page 42 |
Mirabilis linearis (Pursh) Heimerl Narrowleaf Four O'clock USDA MILI3 |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of plant used for coughs. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 26 |
Mirabilis linearis (Pursh) Heimerl Narrowleaf Four O'clock USDA MILI3 |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Veterinary Aid Decoction of plant used for sheep and horses with coughs. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 26 |
Monarda fistulosa L. Wildbergamot Beebalm USDA MOBR2 |
Blackfoot Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of plant taken for coughs. Hellson, John C., 1974, Ethnobotany of the Blackfoot Indians, Ottawa. National Museums of Canada. Mercury Series, page 72 |
Monarda fistulosa L. Wildbergamot Beebalm USDA MOBR2 |
Flathead Drug, Cough Medicine Used for coughs. Hart, Jeff, 1992, Montana Native Plants and Early Peoples, Helena. Montana Historical Society Press, page 70 |
Monarda fistulosa L. Wildbergamot Beebalm USDA MOBR2 |
Lakota Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of leaves used as a cough remedy. Rogers, Dilwyn J, 1980, Lakota Names and Traditional Uses of Native Plants by Sicangu (Brule) People in the Rosebud Area, South Dakota, St. Francis, SD. Rosebud Educational Scoiety, page 50 |
Monarda fistulosa L. Wildbergamot Beebalm USDA MOBR2 |
Lakota Drug, Pulmonary Aid Infusion of leaves used for whooping cough. Rogers, Dilwyn J, 1980, Lakota Names and Traditional Uses of Native Plants by Sicangu (Brule) People in the Rosebud Area, South Dakota, St. Francis, SD. Rosebud Educational Scoiety, page 50 |
Monarda pectinata Nutt. Pony Beebalm USDA MOPE |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Cough Medicine Cold infusion taken and used as poultice for cough. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 41 |
Monarda punctata L. Spotted Beebalm USDA MOPUP2 |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Cough Medicine Cold infusion taken and used as poultice for cough. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 42 |
Moneses uniflora (L.) Gray Single Delight USDA MOUN2 |
Eskimo, Alaska Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of dried plants used for coughs. Smith, G. Warren, 1973, Arctic Pharmacognosia, Arctic 26:324-333, page 331 |
Nemopanthus mucronatus (L.) Loes. Catberry USDA NEMU2 |
Malecite Drug, Cough Medicine Used with blackberry roots, staghorn sumac, lily roots and mountain raspberry roots for coughs. Mechling, W.H., 1959, The Malecite Indians With Notes on the Micmacs, Anthropologica 8:239-263, page 251 |
Nepeta cataria L. Catnip USDA NECA2 |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine 'Syrup' and honey used for coughs. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 28 |
Nepeta cataria L. Catnip USDA NECA2 |
Iroquois Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of stems taken for coughs. Herrick, James William, 1977, Iroquois Medical Botany, State University of New York, Albany, PhD Thesis, page 423 |
Nicotiana attenuata Torr. ex S. Wats. Coyote Tobacco USDA NIAT |
Navajo, Ramah Drug, Cough Medicine Leaves smoked in corn husks for cough. Vestal, Paul A., 1952, The Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology 40(4):1-94, page 43 |
Nicotiana attenuata Torr. ex S. Wats. Coyote Tobacco USDA NIAT |
Tewa Drug, Cough Medicine Poultice of leaves mixed with oil and soot applied to neck and chest for cough. Robbins, W.W., J.P. Harrington and B. Freire-Marreco, 1916, Ethnobotany of the Tewa Indians, SI-BAE Bulletin #55, page 106 |
Nymphaea odorata Ait. American White Waterlily USDA NYODO |
Micmac Drug, Cough Medicine Juice of root taken for coughs. Speck, Frank G., 1917, Medicine Practices of the Northeastern Algonquians, Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Americanists Pp. 303-321, page 317 |
Nymphaea odorata Ait. American White Waterlily USDA NYODO |
Ojibwa Drug, Cough Medicine Root used as a cough medicine for tuberculosis. Smith, Huron H., 1932, Ethnobotany of the Ojibwe Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of Milwaukee 4:327-525, page 376 |
Nymphaea odorata Ait. American White Waterlily USDA NYODO |
Ojibwa Drug, Tuberculosis Remedy Root used as a cough medicine for tuberculosis. Smith, Huron H., 1932, Ethnobotany of the Ojibwe Indians, Bulletin of the Public Museum of Milwaukee 4:327-525, page 376 |
Nymphaea sp. Water Lily |
Seminole Drug, Cough Medicine Plant used for turtle sickness: trembling, short breath and cough. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 237 |
Nymphaea sp. Water Lily |
Seminole Drug, Respiratory Aid Plant used for turtle sickness: trembling, short breath and cough. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 237 |
Nymphaea sp. Water Lily |
Seminole Drug, Sedative Plant used for turtle sickness: trembling, short breath and cough. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 237 |
Nymphoides cordata (Ell.) Fern. Little Floatingheart USDA NYCO |
Seminole Drug, Cough Medicine Plant used for turtle sickness: trembling, short breath and cough. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 237 |
Nymphoides cordata (Ell.) Fern. Little Floatingheart USDA NYCO |
Seminole Drug, Respiratory Aid Plant used for turtle sickness: trembling, short breath and cough. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 237 |
Nymphoides cordata (Ell.) Fern. Little Floatingheart USDA NYCO |
Seminole Drug, Sedative Plant used for turtle sickness: trembling, short breath and cough. Sturtevant, William, 1954, The Mikasuki Seminole: Medical Beliefs and Practices, Yale University, PhD Thesis, page 237 |
Obolaria virginica L. Virginia Pennywort USDA OBVI |
Cherokee Drug, Cough Medicine Taken for coughs. Hamel, Paul B. and Mary U. Chiltoskey, 1975, Cherokee Plants and Their Uses -- A 400 Year History, Sylva, N.C. Herald Publishing Co., page 48 |
Oplopanax horridus Miq. Devilsclub USDA OPHO |
Gitksan Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of inner bark used for coughs. Gottesfeld, Leslie M. J., 1992, The Importance of Bark Products in the Aboriginal Economies of Northwestern British Columbia, Canada, Economic Botany 46(2):148-157, page 152 |
Oplopanax horridus Miq. Devilsclub USDA OPHO |
Haisla Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of inner bark used for coughs. Gottesfeld, Leslie M. J., 1992, The Importance of Bark Products in the Aboriginal Economies of Northwestern British Columbia, Canada, Economic Botany 46(2):148-157, page 152 |
Oplopanax horridus Miq. Devilsclub USDA OPHO |
Okanagan-Colville Drug, Cough Medicine Infusion of roots and stems taken for dry coughs. Turner, Nancy J., R. Bouchard and Dorothy I.D. Kennedy, 1980, Ethnobotany of the Okanagan-Colville Indians of British Columbia and Washington, Victoria. British Columbia Provincial Museum, page 73 |
Oplopanax horridus Miq. Devilsclub USDA OPHO |
Wet'suwet'en Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of inner bark used for coughs. Gottesfeld, Leslie M. J., 1992, The Importance of Bark Products in the Aboriginal Economies of Northwestern British Columbia, Canada, Economic Botany 46(2):148-157, page 152 |
Orthocarpus sp. |
Costanoan Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of foliage used for coughs. Bocek, Barbara R., 1984, Ethnobotany of Costanoan Indians, California, Based on Collections by John P. Harrington, Economic Botany 38(2):240-255, page 15 |
Osmorhiza brachypoda Torr. California Sweetcicely USDA OSBR |
Kawaiisu Drug, Cough Medicine Decoction of roots taken for coughs. Zigmond, Maurice L., 1981, Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, Salt Lake City. University of Utah Press, page 47 |